The First Waqf Seminar
The First Waqf Seminar organised by WAQAFA INTERNATIONAL
…yesterday was the first the Waqf Seminar organized by WAQAFA INTERNATIONAL
…module Waqafa 1 – Introduction to Waqf Economy
…first batch WAQAFA #1 – participants from different backgrounds Bankers, Professionals, Professors, postgraduates students, NGO leaders, Asatizah
…feedback from participants
…” Indeed…any eye opener despite the waqf economy (w.e.) was there all along…it went into abyss temporarily. Thx to excellent presenters with their carefully thought presentations & wide-eyed inquisitive audience, the w.e. is being rekindled to be the norm of living & we can’t leave home without it do to speak. Let’s bind our efforts & strength & make it happen and move fwd by ummah for ummah…Masya Allah.”
Mr Baha Majid – ex Banker
…”Ibarat kata pepatah kalau ingin belajar berenang carilah itik. Kalau ingin belajar melompat cari lah tupai. Saya dah jumpa itik dan tupai itu hari ni. Dalam tu Analoginya! Syukran team Waqf. Mulai hari ini kita semua PEJUANG Wakaf🤗”
Dr Khariman – CEO IPTA Holding Malaysia
…” Alhamdulillah, it was a great session, craving for more of such knowledge to practicalise for the benefit of ummah.”
Dr. Muntaka – from Ghana
Sharing is Blessing
Pengajian Program Master
Pengajian Program Master Pengurusan Pembuatan Makanan Halal (Course Work) University Putra Malaya
University Putra Malaysia terbaik melibatkan players industri Halal dlm JK pencadang Pengajian Program Master Pengurusan Pembuatan Makanan Halal (Course Work) Fakulti Sains & Teknologi Makanan
…cadangan saya tadi ialah berkaitan dgn disiplin ilmu
…halal berkait rapat dgn ilmu content dan ilmu alat
…utk sampai ketahap faqih (menguasai ilmu fiqh) seseorang haruslah melalui tahapan ilmiah antaranya menguasai ilmu content iaitu AlQuran dan AsSunnah
…kerana ianya adalah teras utama sebagai rujukan kpd industri halal
…saya mencadangkan agar pelajar aliran Tahfiz Sains, Fiqh wa Usuluhu turut diberikan keutamaan
…supaya ruh Syariah kekal menjadi asas utama pembangunan industri halal
…supaya mereka tidak hanya berkemahiran dlm teknologi pembuatan dan pengurusan halal tetapi mereka juga adalah practitioners
…mereka menjaga solat, toharah, menjaga halal haram, tidak merokok
…kerana mereka adalah Faqih dan berperanan besar didalam mengembalikan keyakinan umat Islam terhadap sertifikasi halal dan produk2nya
…antara cadangan saya lagi ialah Waqf Study Loan / Scholarship yg diberikan oleh halal industry players dan juga institusi2 waqf
Dato’ Abu Ubaidah Kemin
President BankWaqf International
Steps Towards Financial Freedom!
…start small
…grow bigger
…slowly but surely
Steps towards Financial Freedom!
Sedikit2 lama2 jadi bukit!
1. Month 1: Anda first time?
Jom try with 0.25g for the first month
2. Month 2: Nak terus try? You are great!
Let’s do it with 1g
3. Month 3: Getting addicted? Yes, I am!
Simpan lagi 1g
4. Month 4: Yeay, ada duit lebih kita simpan 2.5g pulak
5. Month 5 : Konsisten 2.5g
6. Month 6 : Yes! Still konsisten 2.5g
7. Month 7 : Ok, I nk byr insurance kereta, so can I have only 1g? Sure, you can darling!
8. Month 8: Teruskan simpanan, but now I wanna try 1 dinar (4.25g)
9. Month 9: Another 1 dinar! Alhamdullilah Syukur.
10. Month 10: Nak guna duit utk anak sikit – sure, no prob, as long as kita menyimpan; let’s continue do it with 2.5g.
11. Month 11: Coming back to track; 1 dinar (ikat perut sikit demi EMAS, demi masa depan sy dan keluarga)
12. Month 12: Now I believe that my ULTIMATE GOAL IS GOLD!
Keep on doing; 1 dinar (kdg2 tergelincir jugak, simpan 1g – its ok 😅)
Finally! you have amounts of gold you can use for business collateral, no need to seek loan from bank and avoiding yourself from Riba’
Waqf Gold
In sha Allah, when BWI FinTech is fully completed Waqf Index, Mawquf Alahi Index, Non-Waqf Funds Investment Index, and Waqf Funds Reinvestment Index will appear.
Now 45 dealers are already registered, and our target is 100 dealers before the end of 2023
Why Waqf Gold Embedded Businesses? What does Waqf have to do with Gold Trading? These questions will be resolved in the Waqf Economy Seminar by WAQAFA International in the near future in sha Allah.
We take a proactive approach by waqfing some of the net profits from our businesses for the welfare of the ummah. Hopefully, the ‘lead by example approach will be a catalyst for others to do the same. This is one of the initial efforts to turn this ummah into an Upper Hand community compared to the begging approach
Dato’ Abu Ubaidah Kemin Founder Waqf Economy
Meeting with Undang Luak Jalebu
Meeting with Undang Luak Jalebu on Waqf Economy
…today meeting with Undang Luak Jalebu on Waqf Economy
…Covid19 taught us great lessons that we have to invest in the real economy in order to bring real solutions
…Islam always encourages us to practice real economic solutions rather than speculative and manipulative economic
…new norms of economics are practicing an ethical economic
…economic ethics combines economics and ethics, uniting value judgments from both disciplines
…my focus is on Waqf Economic or Sharing Economic that empowers all
‘Sharing is Blessing’
Dato’ Abu Ubaidah Kemin
Founder Waqf Economy
Meeting on Waqf
Meeting on Waqf Sharing with Terengganu State Government
…short meeting on Waqf Sharing with Terengganu state government Speaker, Dato’ Yahya Ali
…next coming seminar on Waqf Economy Empowerment for NGOs in Terengganu
…thanks to Bro Nazeri My for your bridging effort
…now driving back to KL
Dato’ Abu Ubaidah Kemin
Founder President
WAQAFA Advisory Consultancy
Meeting with BOD Tahfiz Bayt Ikhlas
…today meeting BOD Tahfiz Bayt Ikhlas founded by Datuk Seri Dr. Zamri former Perak Chief Minister
…waqf sharing across the mainland, now sharing waqf revitalization at Pangkor Island
…masjid thousand prays
Seminar Waqf: Introduction to Waqf Economy
Mengapa perlunya Waqf Ekonomi (Shared Economy) ?
Kenapa institusi perbankan Waqf tersangat penting didalam mengembalikan kekuatan ekonomi ummah?
Kami akan menjawab persoalan2 ini didalam siri jelajah Seminar Waqf Ekonomi anjuran WAQAFA INTERNATIONAL in sha Allah
Hakikat pedih yang terpaksa kita akui selepas 63 tahun kita merdeka, keadaan ekonomi kita semakin hari menjadi semakin lemah!
1. 40% pendapatan isi rumah keluarga Islam masih di bawah RM2,000?
2. Majoriti kita telah diprogram menjadi pengguna yang dipergunakan untuk memperkasakan para kapitalis dari wang kita sendiri!
3. Kita kekal menjadi pengguna dan sangat kurang menjadi pengeluar dan pembekal asas di dalam negara kita sendiri.
Kita wajib kembali kepada formula penyelesaian yang telah dianjurkan oleh Islam
Kesedaran dan kepentingan untuk kita bangkit dan gunakan kekuatan yang ada bagi mengubah nasib kita dan generasi akan datang!
Untuk menjadi umat yg penuh Izzah, Karamah, Khaira Ummah, Ummah Tangan Di Atas
Kita harus kembali mengamalkan sistem ekonomi Islam secara menyeluruh.
Sharing Is Blessing
Dato’ Abu Ubaidah Kemin
President BankWaqf International
Founder Waqf Economy